Fanatical Support for AWS
Product Guide

Advanced Usage

Copying files

The sft command line utility can be used via scp to copy files to a target instance:

# syntax
scp -o "ProxyCommand sft proxycommand <target_instance> --via <passport bastion>" <src> <target_instance>:<dst>

# example copying files.tar.gz to i-18a61fa5
scp -o "ProxyCommand sft proxycommand i-18a61fa5 --via i-8a982137" files.tar.gz i-18a61fa5:~/

<target_instance> can be a hostname or instance ID - see sft list-servers and sft resolve <target_instance>.

Forwarding ports

The sft command line utility can also be used to forward ports from a Passport bastion to other network addresses in AWS:

# syntax
sft ssh -L <local port>:<network address reachable by passport bastion>:<remote port> <passport bastion>

# example forwarding localhost:13306 to an RDS instance inside AWS on port 3306
sft ssh -L i-0e41104c88525fbc5

Once the above sft ssh command is successfully running, you can use familiar local tools and connect them to localhost:13306 to work with your RDS instance. Note that you must also have security group rules in place that permit access from your Passport bastion to the AWS resource you’re accessing.

Static IP Support


Static IP support is available as part of a private beta. Please reach out to your Account Manager for more information and to request access.

Static IP support for ScaleFT enables strict egress rules to the ScaleFT control plane from within a VPC. This feature is implemented with a custom DNS endpoint that is used when enrolling servers with ScaleFT. To use the endpoint with static IPs, set InitialURL: in the sftd config file located at /etc/sft/sftd.yaml.

Additionally, your VPC must be configured to allow egress traffic to access the ScaleFT control plane. At the time of writing, egress traffic must be allowed to the following IP addresses on port 443:


On-Demand Users


On-Demand Users support is available as part of a private beta. Please reach out to your Account Manager for more information and to request access.

On-Demand users improves how users are managed on Passport-enabled servers. Once this feature is enabled, users will be created on a server when an access request is created, rather than at the time of server enrollment with ScaleFT.

Access to this beta requires that all servers are using [ScaleFT Server Agent v1.32.2 or higher]( This requirement is checked as part of the beta onboarding process. Once you have been added to the beta and this requirement has been met, there is no additional setup needed. On-Demand Users will take effect immediately.